Wednesday, August 17, 2016

【新加坡】Roti Prata 印度煎饼 @ D' Rubinah

I used to eat roti prata as breakfast in Malaysia when I was young. Since I came to Singapore, I seldom get to eat prata that is as nice as I had in Malaysia. However, I would say prata served in D’ Rubinah Restaurant is quite good. Even my sis who is quite picky about food also likes their prata. 
以前小时候在马来西亚常常吃roti prata当早餐。可是自从来到新加坡,就很少有机会吃到和马来西亚一样好吃的roti prata了。不过,我觉得D’ Rubinah Restaurant卖的prata 相当不错,就连我那挑吃的妹妹也喜欢哦!
D’ Rubinah Restaurant is located at the corner of a row of shophouses on Sembawang Road near Sembawang Shopping Centre and next to Esso petrol station. It is operated 24 hours and provide a wide variety of food, including Indian, Thai Muslim and Western cuisine. It’s a good place to visit if you happen to be in the North and are hungry in the middle of the night.
D’ Rubinah Restaurant 坐落于Sembawang Road 的一排店屋的角落单位,靠近Sembawang Shopping Centre,在Esso油站旁。是一间24小时营业的咖啡店,并提供好多种类的食物,其中包括印度餐,泰式穆斯林餐和西餐。如果说你半夜饿了又刚好在北部,这是一家不错的选择哦!

I always order one plain prata and one egg & onion prata. The prata served is always piping hot, crispy and flaky outside and fluffy inside. Its taste is not too buttery, I don’t like those prata with strong buttery taste. However, my sis told me that there was one time she went there for breakfast early in the morning and the prata they served her is not hot and crispy at all. We thought maybe it’s some leftover made in the midnight and they just reheated and served her. So I would say the quality of the prata here is quite inconsistent. It depends on your luck. But I will still go there when I crave for prata.
每次来这里必点一份原味prata和蛋葱prata。热腾腾的prata 外脆内松软,牛油味不会太重。不过,有一次我妹告诉我有一次她七早八早来这里吃prata, 结果prata 竟然不热也不脆,她失望透了。我们猜想可能是因为半夜做的prata卖不完,他们就重新加热再卖给顾客吧。这让我觉得这里的prata 不会维持在一定的水准,要看你的运气咯!不过如果我想吃prata 还是回来这里解馋啦!!
Most of the time they serve prata with fish curry gravy. But sometime they also serve chickpea curry. I prefer fish curry gravy as it is flavourful. Its slight sourness makes the food more appetizing.
这里的prata大多数都是配上鱼肉咖喱,但有时候也会配上chickpea curry。我个人比较喜欢鱼肉咖喱,因为味道比较浓郁,而且酸酸的,很开胃哦!
There was a time my husband ordered chicken masala with his nasi briyani. And since then I will always order this dish to go with my prata. It is slightly sweet and rich in flavor and not very spicy. I love it!!
有一次老公点了chicken masala来陪nasi briyani,我尝了一口以后,从此便爱上了!! 每次来这里吃prata 必点这样。这里的chicken masala 带一点甜,香料的味道丰富,而且不会很辣,我超爱的!!
Below are the menu for your reference 附上菜单给你参考 

D’ Rubinah Restaurant                                                    
Hours: 24 hours daily
Address (地址): 592 Sembawang Rd, Singapore 758451
How to go: Take 858 opposite Sembawang mrt station, alight at “Aft Sembawang Shop Ctr” (4 stops)
怎么去:到Sembawang地铁站搭巴士858,在"Aft Sembawang Shop Ctr"站下车(4个站)

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