Sunday, November 19, 2017

【食谱】Sticky Date Pudding Recipe 椰枣布丁蛋糕,手残也能做!!

 【INGREDIENTS 材料 】(5-6 portion 人份)

(A) Cake Batter 蛋糕面糊
  • 100g seeded dried dates 椰枣去籽
  • ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)小苏打
  • 155ml boiling water 沸水
  • 25g butter, chopped 牛油
  • 40g brown sugar 红糖
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten 鸡蛋,打散
  • 75g (1/2 cup) self raising flour 自发粉

(B) Butterscotch sauce奶油糖酱
  • 60g brown sugar红糖
  • 150g cream奶油 (1/4 part of cream can be replaced by liquor e.g. kahlua, irish cream)
  • 40g butter牛油

(C) Garnished 摆盘
  • Cubed strawberries 草莓,切块 + sprinkling of icing sugar 糖霜

Post Banana Nut Crunch Cereal, slightly chopped 香蕉杏仁早餐谷片, 稍微搅碎。


【Method 做法】
1. Preheat oven to 180oC
预热烤箱至180 oC

2. Add dates and sodium bicarbonate into a container

3. Add boiling water, stir the mixture until the sodium bicarbonate is fully dissolved

4. Leave aside for 5 to 10 minutes

5. Blend the dates until no large chucks are visible.

6. Add brown sugar and butter and blend again until no visible chunks of sugar or butter

7. Add 1/3 of self raising flour and mix vigorously with forks or whisk until no clumps of flour

8. Repeat 2 more times until all the flour is mixed in well

9. Add lightly beaten egg and mix well

10. Divide the batter into 5 cupcake cups, each about 70g

11. Bake the batter for 18 to 20 minutes. Test the doneness with a bamboo skewer

12. Remove from oven and cool at room temperature

Butterscotch sauce 奶油糖酱

1. Add all the ingredients into a saucepan. Heat over low heat until butter and sugar is dissolved and lightly boiled. Liqour should be added in after cooling if it is used. 
将所有材料倒入锅内, 开小火加热直到牛油和红糖完全溶解并稍微沸腾。若加入咖啡酒,应在冷却后才加入。

2. When the sauce is slightly thickened, turn off the heat

3. Place the pot over a bowl of iced water to cool down. Upon cooling down, the sauce will be thicken further.

4. Drizzle the sauce and place garnish on top of the cake.


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