Tuesday, September 27, 2016

烤箱版免炸猪排,健康又酥脆~ Baked Tonkatsu, Healthy & Crispy~

Ingredients (2 pax) 材料 (2人份) 
  • ¾ cup Japanese panko bread crumb 日式panko 面包糠
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil 橄榄油
  • 300g pork loin , 1.2 cm thickness  300g猪腰肉, 1.2cm
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper 现磨黑胡椒
  • 2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour 面粉
  • 1 large egg 鸡蛋

1) Preheat the oven to 200°C


2) Combine the panko and oil in a frying pan and toast over medium heat until golden brown. Set aside and allow to cool.

3) The pork loin i got from NTUC is about 300g per pack. The portion is just nice for two person. You have to cut the pork loin into half so that it is not too thick, about 1.2cm.
我在NTUC买的猪腰肉大概300g 一包,一包可做2人份。因为猪腰肉有点太厚,就把它横着切一半,大约1.2cm
4) Get rid of the extra fat and make a couple of slits on the connective tissue between the meat and fat. The reason why you do this is that red meat and fat have different elasticity, and when they are cooked they will shrink and expand at different rates. This will allow Tonkatsu to stay nice and flat and prevent Tonkatsu from curling up.
5) Pound the meat with a meat pounder or the back of knife. Mold the extended meat back into original shape with your hands. You may want to cover the meat with cling wrap to avoid messy splatters
6) Sprinkle salt and freshly ground black pepper.
7) Beat the egg, pour the egg and flour on different plate. Dredge each pork piece in the flour to coat completely and pat off the excess flour. Then dip into the beaten egg and finally coat with the toasted panko. Press on the panko flakes to make sure they adhere to the pork.
8) Place the pork on an oven-safe wire rack (as air goes through on the bottom so panko won't get crushed). Place it to the middle position Bake until the pork is no longer pink inside, about 20 minutes.

9) Cut Tonkatsu into 1 inch pieces (so you can eat with chopsticks) by pressing the knife directly down instead of moving back and forth. This way the panko will not come off. Transfer to a plate and serve immediately.


You can serve this with Japanese Curry. It's super yummy!!

Adapted from摘自Just One Cookbook


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